Mac os yosemite review
Mac os yosemite review

mac os yosemite review

I stopped noticing it almost immediately.

mac os yosemite review

I’d love to say I have feelings about the translucency in the sidebars and menu bars of Apple’s apps, which shows a bit of the app behind whatever you’re looking at, but I don’t. All the fonts were suddenly a little smaller and a lot more Helvetica Neue (and also pretty pixelated unless I was on a Retina screen).


After downloading and installing the update (which took about 25 minutes and a little over 5GB of disk space), I had a new wallpaper, the mountain face against pink and purple sky. It’s just that the new look feels familiar, only slightly more refined, like the finished version of what came before. That’s not to say it doesn’t look different - it does. It took about six hours for me to mostly forget that I was using Yosemite. Our original preview of Yosemite, from July. Yosemite doesn’t promise to make my Mac look like my iPhone it promises to make them work together constantly. It turns it into both hub and spoke of a constantly connected, conversing ecosystem of Apple products, in which you’re able to do anything you want on any device you want. OS X still looks like OS X, but Yosemite turns your Mac into more than just a PC. But the reason Yosemite feels bigger, more important, is that it feels like the beginning of something new for Apple. And it improves most of Apple’s built-in apps, from Mail to Maps and everything in between. It comes with a stylistic overhaul, a new and cleaner coat of paint for your Mac. This year’s model, OS X 10.10 Yosemite, is a little different. You open the app store, click a button, and poof: a few things change but everything stays mostly the same. It still rents event space and touts the new features, but your new operating system arrives more like an tune-up than a new car. The last few years, Apple’s taken a decidedly simpler approach. I’ll never forget the first time I booted Windows XP, or the day I finally got to jump again to Windows 7. Upgrading cost money you had to go to the store to get the necessary floppy disk or a CD the new OS was expected to be different and better in basically every way.


For nearly two decades, the release of a new PC operating system was an event.

Mac os yosemite review